Maharastra Travel: Jumping across Konkan

I love jumping, and there are no two ways about it! :)

Every time I see an interesting background, I pass on the camera and get ready to pose! Here are four of my favourite jumping shots from my a recent week long road-trip in the Konkan region of Maharashtra.

jumping jumpstagram beach goa blue sky man male konkan maharashtra
High contrast shots work well on beach jumps! 
jumping jumpstagram beach goa blue sky man male konkan maharashtra
Things can't get any busier than this! 
jumping jumpstagram beach goa blue sky man male konkan maharashtra purple wall
When the model is not interesting, look for an attractive wall!
jumping jumpstagram beach goa blue sky man male konkan maharashtra dead
Experimenting with jumps is fun! Like playing dead once in a while :)


All the above pics are taken using iPhone 6 and have been edited using native Instagram settings. If you like these, do check out my Instagram account here. Anyway, here are a few quick tips for jumping shots using a mobile phone only :)

  1. Always look for the right background - a plain silhouette shot looks really good and it needs a plain, simple background
  2. When the background is plan, its good to have the ground visible - it allows the viewer an idea of the space as well as your jump
  3. Always experiment with the jump poses. There are others who have mastered the art of jumping, and its good to learn from them. Yes, do google for interesting jumps :)
  4. Light is important - it works both with light behind as well as in front of you
  5. Play around with an editing tool to get the contrast and exposure right. High contrast shots work best when its a silhouette.
